跨考英语名师指导考研写作 议论文主题词汇(四)

guarantee for old age security 给老年人供给保障

live on pension 靠养老金糊口

build up homes for the aged 制作白叟院

As one gets older, he is more liable to have health problems. 年数大了轻易添病。

Movement becomes difficult with age. 跟着年龄的增高举措变得坚苦。

The vigor of a person’s body lessens as he grows old. 人到老年体力就变弱了。

be calculated to prolong one’s life 祛病延年

think young and stay young 精力年青就可以连结年青

three important things for a long old life: fresh air, fresh food, simple life 长命的三要素:新颖氛围、新颖食品、简略糊口

Medical expenses remain a serious problem for the aged. 医疗开支对付老年人是很大的坚苦。

be lonely and starving for companionship 因孤傲而巴望有人作伴

keep active, alert and open-minded 连结踊跃向上、机灵和开畅

The worst problems of the old age are health, loneliness and personal sagety. 老年人最可骇的问题是康健、孤傲和小我平安。

have a close relationship with their children 与后代连结紧密亲密瓜葛

The old and the young do not always understand each other. 老年人与年青人常常不克不及相互理解。

China is a nation that is proud of the virtue of filial piety. 中国事一个以孝道为骄傲的民族。

Filial piety is defined as “a son’s or daughter’s obedience to and respect for parents”. 孝敬指的是@后%7222d%代对怙%o5ABb%恃@的驯服和尊重。

have the duty to support and assist one’s parents 有供养搀扶帮助怙恃的义务

We should be considerate of the comfort of old people. 咱们应当为老年人的恬静着想。


Changes have taken place in the roles of women in society. 主妇在社会中的感化产生了变革。

abolish all inequalities 解除方方面面的不服等

adhere to the principle of equality 对峙同等的原则

compete with men in the professions on equal terms 在职业生活上在等同前提下与汉子竞争

eliminate sexual discrimination 解除性别轻视

enter the labor force 加入到劳动力雄师中来


women from the kitchen 把主妇从厨房中解放出来


arrange for one’s children’s education 放置后代的教诲事宜

give their children a first-rate education 使得孩子遭到最高级的教诲

have no control over the children at all 一点也管不住本身的孩子

make children fit to live in a society 使孩子们合适在社会中保存

Parents should be responsible for their child’s behavior. 怙恃应答后代的举动卖力。

A judicious parent encourages his children to decide many things for themselves. 明智的怙恃会让孩子在很多事变上本身做决议。

All their affection is centered on their children. 他们的全数爱都集中在孩子身上。

be too permissive with their children 对孩子有求必应

be addicted to net games 留恋收集游戏

be easily affected 易受影响

be self-centered 以自我为中间

develop strong dislike for studying 对念书发生强烈的反豪情绪

have premature love affairs 早恋

never attain any independence and initiative 没有养成自力性和自发性

play truant 逃学

suffer from nervousness, anxiety, depression and so on 感触严重、不安、压制等

have heart-to-heart chats with them 与他们倾慕扳谈

help sb. out of his honeliness 帮忙或人解脱孤傲

open the hot line 开通热线

set a good example to his children 为孩子建立好楷模



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